En cas de doute, sachez qu'il existe aussi des anti-virus pour Linux
- L'article les anti-virus sous Linux (publié par Ubuntu-fr.org)
- Je vous propose la lecture de l'article Clamav sur Ubuntu-fr.org
The notes of a developer exploring platforms, languages and technologies.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GIMP Python plug-in template. from gimpfu import * import sys __DEBUG = True # Redirect the print statement to file (usefull for debugging) if __DEBUG: sys.stderr = open( 'c:\\temp\\gimpstderr.txt', 'w') sys.stdout = open( 'c:\\temp\\gimpstdout.txt', 'w') def gimp_log( sMsg ): """ Log to StdOut (or nothing) depending on the __DEGUG flag """ if __DEBUG: print( sMsg ) else: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GIMP Python plug-in template. from gimpfu import * import sys __DEBUG = True # Redirect the print statement to file (usefull for debugging) if __DEBUG: sys.stderr = open( 'c:\\temp\\gimpstderr.txt', 'w') sys.stdout = open( 'c:\\temp\\gimpstdout.txt', 'w') def gimp_log( sMsg ): """ Log to StdOut (or nothing) depending on the __DEGUG flag """ if __DEBUG: print( sMsg ) else: pass # Display a message in the status bar # pdb.gimp_message("test") # Some functions about progress # # pdb.gimp_progress_init( 'Test2', None ) # pdb.gimp_progress_set_text('This goes to the status bar') # pdb.gimp_progress_pulse() # pdb.python_fu_console() # pdb.gimp_progress_end() def do_gg_crop_resize(): """ Crop image to selection THEN scale image to fit properly a 2848 x 2848 picture THEN resize Canvas to fit photo format 4282 x 2848 (image centered)""" # Diplay message in the bottom of the console pdb.gimp_message("GG Crop Resize...") # Print to the standard output (which is a file) gimp_log( "do_gg_crop_resize:") # Set up an undo group, so the operation will be undone in one step. #pdb.gimp_undo_push_group_start(img) # NB: The last opened file is always at index 0, previous opened file # at index 1 and so on. count = len( gimp.image_list() ) img = gimp.image_list()[count-1] sel = pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(img) if sel[0] == 0: pdb.gimp_message("GG Crop Resize Stopped - No selection!") gimp_log( "Stopped! No selection" ) return # Crop the image pdb.gimp_image_crop( img, sel[3]-sel[1], sel[4]-sel[2], sel[1], sel[2] ) gimp_log( "Current Size (width,height)=(%i,%i)" % (img.width,img.height) ) # Calculate Image Ratio ratio = img.height / float(img.width) gimp_log( "Current Ratio Height/width = %f" % (ratio) ) if img.width > img.height: gimp_log( "Image is Larger THEN scale width " ) pdb.gimp_image_scale( img, 2848, 2848 * ratio ) # New Width, New Height pdb.gimp_image_resize( img, 4282, 2848, (4282-img.width)/2, (2848-img.height)/2 ) else: gimp_log( "Image is Higher THEN scale height ") pdb.gimp_image_scale( img, 2848 / ratio, 2848 ) pdb.gimp_image_resize( img, 4282, 2848, (4282-img.width)/2, (2848-img.height)/2 ) pdb.gimp_message( "GG Crop Resize completed" ) gimp_log( "Treatment complete" ) # Close the undo group. #pdb.gimp_undo_push_group_end(img) register( "gg_crop_resize", "Crop and resize to photo", "Crop to selection, resize and center to Photo dimensions", "Meurisse D.", "Guy Gerard SPRL", "2014", "GG Crop Resize", # Menu item Name "*", # Alternately use RGB, RGB*, GRAY*, INDEXED etc. [], [], do_gg_crop_resize, menu="<Image>/GG" # Host menu for the MenuItem ) main()