@Echo Off rem extract the date and time to variable rem For /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('Date /T') Do Set DT=%%A rem extract time for NT rem for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%a in ("%TIME%") do set TM=%%a%%b%%c rem compute filename by removing unwanted characters rem rem rem replace space (and everything before) with Empty String set DT=%DT:* =% rem replace all time back slashs set DT=%DT:/=% set DT=%DT:/=% set DT=%DT:/=% set DT=%DT: =% rem Debug by outputing the value. rem Echo DateAndTime=%DT%_%TM% > File.txt rem --- Analyse DB1 --- SET TargetDB=TxsDev003V403 SET OutFilename="LockInfo_%TargetDB%_%DT%_%TM%.dat" SQLCMD -v TargetDB=%TargetDB% -S . -E -H MonitorCmd -o %OutFilename% -i monitorDB.sql rem --- Analyse DB2 --- SET TargetDB=PlayGround SET OutFilename="LockInfo_%TargetDB%_%DT%_%TM%.dat" SQLCMD -v TargetDB=%TargetDB% -S . -E -H MonitorCmd -o %OutFilename% -i monitorDB.sql rem SQLCMD -v TargetDB="PlayGround" -S . -E -H MonitorCmd -o %OutFilename% -i monitorDB.sql
En guise de résultat, mes noms de fichiers sont:
LockInfo_TxsDev003V403_21042009_110528.datPour plus d'informations, voir les liens suivants:
- Remplacement de chaine de caractères dans un batch (StrToFind).
- Inclure la date dans un nom de fichier (et numéro incrémental).
- Batch File FAQ
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