- Installer les sources de Harbour
- Le compiler
- Compiler le premier programme clipper
Je n'ai pas encore testé cette référence... mais c'est toujours bon à prendre
The notes of a developer exploring platforms, languages and technologies.
sudo apt-get install zenity ghostscript mkdir -p ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts rm "Compress PDF" #in case you're using an older version wget http://launchpad.net/compress-pdf/1.x/1.4/+download/Compress-PDF-1.4.tar.gz tar zxvf Compress-PDF-1.4.tar.gz && rm Compress-PDF-1.4.tar.gz
CLASS wPaintObj FROM wGUIObj * image like wvtimage DATA cImage DATA lTransp METHOD New() METHOD Draw() METHOD Undraw() METHOD Hide() METHOD Show() ENDCLASS //wPaintOBJ METHOD New(nWinNum, nType, cId, nRow1, nCol1, nRow2, nCol2, aOffTLBR, lTransp) CLASS wPaintObj default aOffTLBR to {0,0,0,0} default lTransp to .f. ::nWinNum := nWinNum ::lVisible := .t. ::nType := nType ::cId := cId ::nRow1 := nRow1 ::nCol1 := nCol1 ::nRow2 := nRow2 ::nCol2 := nCol2 if !(valtype(aOffTLBR)=="A") aOffTLBR := {0,0,0,0} endif ::aOffTLBR := aclone(aOffTLBR) ::lTransp := lTransp RETURN Self METHOD Draw() CLASS wPaintObj if !::lVisible return NIL endif do case case ::nType==WPAINTOBJ_IMAGE if !empty(::cImage) WVW_DRAWIMAGE( ::nWinNum, ::nRow1, ::nCol1, ::nRow2, ::nCol2, ; ::cImage, ::aOffTLBR, ::lTransp ) endif otherwise * lBoxErrMessage() endcase RETURN NIL //DRAW()
oWPaint := wPaintObj():New(0, WPAINTOBJ_IMAGE, "TOPLEFT", ntop+1, nleft+1, nmidver-1, nmidhor-1, NIL, ltransp) oWPaint:cImage := cpict
/* * $Id: clasinh.prg 2186 2000-02-14 08:11:56Z vszel $ */ #include "hbclass.ch" function main() local oObject, oBase oObject := TAnyClass():New() oBase := TClassBase():New() return nil class TClassBase method New() method Test() INLINE Alert( "Test" ) endclass method New() class TClassBase return Self class TAnyClass from TClassBase method New() endclass method New() class TAnyClass super:New() super:Test() return Self